"(to) pay for his mounting legal bills as he faces a retrial for sexual assault."
Coz is trying to convince lenders to use his NYC townhouse as collateral. A source had this to say:
"Cosby must be desperate. But the lenders aren't keen to give him the money. They don't think he has enough equity."
And on top of that, the banks are concerned about trying to sell the foreclosed property if he defaults on the high-interest loan. Maybe he can pay back part of the loan in pudding pops...
Here's a thought: Just plead guilty. Because we're all 99.9999999999999 percent sure you are, indeed, guilty. That way, you'll save a ton of money, and we won't have to hear your lies. Win-win.
P.S. Eat a bag of d&cks.
"I just want you guys to know Harvey Levin, Harvey Levin a blogger, is very much in bed with everyone from Hollywood to Donald Trump... I don't have a minute to call him. But maybe you do."
First of all, Hollywood and Trump do not seem to be synonymous. Secondly, you know you're messing with a LAWYER?
Then, this set of anal lips takes a shot at Andy Cohen after he said he didn't know her. She claims that after appearing on "Watch What Happens Live", he made her a seedy offer:
"Both times I did the show, right before we went live, (he) privately asked me in an office if I wanted to do blow."
Egads! Andy was also the executive producer of that D-list show of hers. And he was horrible!
"Was my boss for 10 years. Treated me like a dog. Deeply misogynistic."
I'm surprised she was able to use a multi-syllable word... Anywho, you're sounding like a completely bitter granny flap. Waaaaah! Why not channel all that angst into a new project called The F-List. As in F*cked-in-the-head List.
"I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago... but if I did behave then as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years... this story has encouraged me to address other things about my life... I've had relationships with both men and women... I have loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life, and I choose to live as a gay man."
Well, I'm concerned here. You best get to a doctor and get that situational-dementia checked out! You don't remember trying to RAPE a minor!?!? Well, since you're really sorry I guess we'll let this one slide. NOT! And way to try and garner sympathy by trying to say you've been tortured about your sexuality and now you CHOOSE to live as a gay man. Here's some breaking news-- hookin' up with men and women makes you bi-sexual. You're not gay. You're just choosing men now. You are a disgusting affront to the men and women, boys and girls that struggle with their sexual identities and about "coming out."
You're such a filthy, self-centered pork wipe.