"I was in such a dark place, going through hell ending a loveless and abusive relationship. The lies and accusations that followed the break up... Along came this beautiful woman by chance."
Pffft. By chance...Wake up, Jimmy. That "chance" is because your wallet still "works". Which is why as you get older, your wives get progressively younger...
This guy is a delusional, arrogant POS. Loveless marriage? From the guy on camera yelling and badgering his now ex-wife. This from the guy who wasn't there for her as she underwent her IVF treatment. Literally was not in town. This from the guy that allegedly banged the nanny (he just had "thoughts"). This from the guy sexting other women while married... So happy you found your fourth victim, er, ex-wife-to-be.
(The above gif is not Jimmy. But it is an accurate sentiment...)
She said that movement has:
"intentional ignorance pertaining to the history of particular white women-- not all white women-- but particular white women, who have from the very beginning, pertaining to the enslavement of African people, accused black males of sexual assault without any proof whatsoever, no proof, anywhere on the face of the Earth."
It's viewpoints like this that don't help the cause. And WTF is she talking about "particular white women". Ones with blue eyes? Ones that live in the 'burbs? White wives of plantation owners? Some of the biggest offenders in #MeToo have been middle-aged white men. Attacking women. So...
Look, asshat. Your husband is a rapist. He admitted such in his civil lawsuit. He admitted to giving drugs to women in order to have sex with them without their consent. That's rape. Proven.
(The above gif is not Mrs. Asshat. It's Mr. Asshat.)
"This decision has caused so many people heart break and I'm sorry for letting down so many women that looked up to me as a mother... I could have never anticipated the incidents which occurred on a private level to ever have happened, and I was trying my best to navigate the hardest thing I have ever been through... I apologize for being so naive when I started the adoption process, I was not selective or fully equipped or prepared..."
She then rambles about how she only received a day of training and didn't know enough, and blah, blah, blah. You didn't know this child had special needs. Please. But, bright spot!
"... I can't say I wish this never happened because I'm still so glad Huxley is here and getting all the help he needs. I also know that even though he is happier in his new home and doing better that he still experienced trauma... no adoptee deserves more trauma..."
She later tried to say that Huxley-- the 4-year-old boy-- asked to be "re-homed". Un-effing-believable. I'm calling bullsh*t on that. Completely.
You're sorry now? Right. It's 'cuz you lost all that endorsement money. I guess how we're really feeling about you is: F&CK YOU!
P.S. Do us all a favor and just go straight to Hell right now.
(The above gif is not this b*tch. It's a steamy pile. Which she is...)