"Somehow, a year and a half later, having walked through hell together, and having laughed more than I ever imagined possible, he asked me to marry him. And just as in every lifetime before this one, and as in every lifetime that will follow it, I said yes. And then we drank each other’s blood.”
The fuque!?!?! I don't get the fascination with the whole drinking-your-blood-means-we're-bonded-for-eternity thing. It doesn't. Blood means nothing. Ask Angelina and Billy Bob.
They drink each other's blood. They say their love is like a tsunami. Sigh. They've lasted a long time, by Hollywood standards. But will making things legal ruin it? And stop drinking blood. Y'all ain't from Twilight...
No more official use of "His Royal Highness", but he can retain it for funsies. Can we give him the title of The Duke of Fossil F&ck?
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense is keeping his lip zipped. (Too bad Phillip didn't keep his pants zipped, allegedly). But Lt. Stuart Hunt had this to say:
"I'm just glad he's not associated with the military now. Whether he's guilty or not, he has brought things into disrepute... He's not fit to serve in an honorary rank. He has forgone that right by getting into this sort of situation.”
So proper, and so... ouch!
Wonder if Prince Andrew has a Prince Albert? Vurp.
Lisa hinted at the pending break-up while guesting on a podcast:
“Definitely learning how to be authentically me, learning to be new, and following this invitation from the universe to step into this river of uncertainty. We’ve eliminated all this extra noise, and now it’s time to grow our roots deeper into our own values.”
What? You're a fool. The reason why the marriage of 4 years (after a total of 16 years together) fell apart? She didn't want to visit Jason on any of his movie sets.
Triple slap and a booby punch for you!