It's a rare occurrence when the slap list can be devoted to one individual...
"You're not even a part of this. You don't understand the rules of the day. It's women going out and getting saucy and then going home.. And stop wearing our skits and our heels. Gay men, you'll never be the women that we are. No matter how gay."
Uhmmmm.... forget how to "human", have we? But it's all good (Not really). Wendy has "apologized' via her IG:
"I'm 55 years old and maybe I sounded like your auntie, your mother, your big sister or somebody out of touch. I'm not out of touch except for perhaps by saying what I said. I deeply apologize and I deeply appreciate the support I get from the community. I will do better."
Nice try. Because on that apology video, she sounded quite insincere. More like "sorry not sorry".
Secondly-- a few days later, Wendy flubbed again on her show. This time about the death of Drew Carey's ex-fiancee-- Hollywood therapist Amie Harwick. She explained that Harwick fell from a three-story balcony to her death. Authorities believed she was pushed. Ex-boyfriend Gareth Pursehouse has been charged. But Wendy had to clarify that Harwick was not "killed not by Drew" (no one thought that to be the case...) And then she rambled on some more and wrapped her drivel by saying:
"Come on down!"
The audience fell silent. Hello, awkward, as Wendy looked up and down with her eyes while being oh-so-funny using The Price Is Right catchphrase. Drew wasn't involved, yet you throw that out there? And this poor woman was flung to her death by a psycho ex!
Can we throw this stupid POS off the planet?