"In celebration of 1989 selling over 10 million albums worldwide and the RIAA's 100 Million Song Certification, Taylor wants to thank her fans by making her entire back catalog available to all streaming services..."
Girl, we can see through your "love of fans". Yes, they keep you in the bling-- but your real motivation was to take Katy down.. .which, I do have to say was a brilliant move. But we need you to get over this childish feud. Why are your panties in a bunch for Katy? I mean-- what's the REAL reason you loathe her so much? It has to be more than Katy using the same dancers you had on your tour. Which by the way, is no big deal. Or maybe because you both had the John "Oscar" Mayer?
Can't you just rant about it in your Burn Book and be done!?!?!
Eddie took to the internets himself and proved that he and LeAnn had made reservations days in advance of Brandi's dinner date. Sad that he has to even do this at all.
Look, B. Eddie left you because you're a psycho. Get. Over. It.
1. John Mayer
2. Orlando Bloom
3. Diplo
She quickly said they were all good, but you know... WEll, Diplo was NOT pleased. In fact he tweeted:
"I don't even remember having sex."
Ouch. That's what the classless broad deserves. Look, I'm no prude. But there's no need to sully your exes just 'cuz they're your exes. Why the low blow, so to speak? Here's some advice: since you can't shut your legs, just shut your mouth.
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