Though I'm sure some offensive celeb behavior will occur before the end of the year, this will be our last slap of 2017. The slap hand deserves some gifts and a break in preparation for 2018-- which I'm sure will be memorable.
I give the chef props for owning up to his bullsh*t. But, you need to let things breathe before you try to win back the public. While we appreciate another apology written in your weekly newsletter, what we don't appreciate is adding a P.S. Especially when said P.S. is to pimp some holiday-inspired recipes.
You've admitted to grabbing "muffins" and whatnot. So why not a muffin recipe? Ugh.
Timing. It's all about timing. Speaking of... looks like your goose is cooked. Bye, bye you sloppy excuse for a human.
"All of that behavior needs to be confronted, but there is a continuum. On this end... where you have rape and child molestation or whatever, you know, that's prison... The other stuff is just kind of shameful and gross... I just think we have to start delineating between what these behaviors are."
I totally get what he intended to say. There is a difference between criminal behavior and an unwanted advance. But there is this whole in-between of blackmail and blacklisting. Yes, we walk a slippery slope of ending up in a place where no one can express interest in another. But then again, there is an acceptable way of approaching another versus not acceptable.
But Matt couldn't just let it go. He had to continue to dig that hole:
"We're in a watershed moment, and it's great, but I think one thing that's not being talked about is there are a whole shitload of guys-- the preponderance of men I've worked with-- who don't do this kind of thing and whose lives aren't going to be affected."
Yes. This is true. But it's like asking for a treat for doing the right thing-- which is what one should be doing without recognition.
I'd ask you to pry your head out of your backside, but at this point you'd best stay there. It might be safer for you.
"Do I think she's a hero? She testified in court because the judge ordered her to. And when I hear her attorney talk about it they make it sound like they had a choice..."
Yawn. But that's not all. Taylor won a $1 settlement from Mueller, which was symbolic for her. Well, it was symbolic for him, too. He was supposed to pay her with a $1 Sacagawea coin--which he hasn't done yet. Originally, he said the coin was to specifically make fun of Taylor:
"I mean, if this is all about women's rights... it's a little poke at them, a little bit. I mean, I think they made this into a publicity stunt, and this is my life."
But now he's changed his story again, saying the reason he chose the coin was to draw attention to the thousands of Native American women that go missing each year.
F&ck. Off. You're such a dirty liar. So not sorry you lost your cushy six-figure salary and F-list celeb status. Perhaps if you would've conducted yourself in a respectable manner and not like an entitled swinging "rooster" that can do whatever he wants, you may still be employable. In the meantime, just give us all a nice greeting when we come inside and grab a cart. Wink, wink.