"Have a happy period."
Nope. Not one time have I ever been excited about the bloating, the bleeding, the soccer game going on in my uterus every 21 days. Never.
Hey, Always. It's great you're including everyone (maybe dudes can shove one between their butt cheeks when Taco Tuesday goes awry.) But now that everyone's included, can we make the price more reasonable?
"Part of this role and part of this job, this family, being under the pressure that it's under, inevitably stuff happens. But look, we're brothers, we'll always be brothers. We're certainly on different paths at the moment but I'll always be there for him and as I know he'll always be there for me."
Oh, come on! And by the by, moving to Africa with Meghs won't help the rift. The two of you should know how quickly life can be gone. So, put your b.s. aside and meet me in my dreams! Er, put your b.s. aside and hug it out and then do good for the Crown and the world-- together.
"There are good men out there, guys, don't give up. You don't have to be gay, there are good people with dicks out there, you've just got to find them. You've got to find a dick that's not a dick, you know? I always thought I had to be gay, because I thought all guys were evil, but it's not true. There are good people out there that just happen to have dicks. I've only ever met one, and he's on this live."
So much here. The insults to gay folk. The insults to the male gender. And the insults to Liam-- who has remained calm and quiet through all of this. Perhaps he had grown tired of Hurricane Virus.
You epitomize everything that is wrong with celebrity. Two weeks in a row for this tw*t waffle....