What more time did you really need? You sang "My Heart Will Go On". It was special, marking it's rise to the top of the charts 20 years ago. Were you going to re-enact the sinking of the Titanic? Plus, Cher was receiving an icon award. And at the age of 71, she deserved to take all the time she wanted. Perspective, please. You're a Canadian that we actually like. Don't ruin it.
Cher-- you've been an outspoken advocate for those discriminated against and forgotten. You've always lived your life as you see fit. And yet... and yet, why the left nipple hate? I find it even more appalling that you would shun the left, since you're a liberal. Wouldn't it make more sense to censor the right, so to speak? Free both your nipples or none at all! Where can we protest?
P.S. I could've lived the rest of my life not ever seeing one of Cher's nipples.
The pair reunited for a dinner date at Wolfgang Puck's Beverly Hills restaurant. And guess what? The paparazzi just happened to be there. Amazing! It's not like she'd actually resort to calling them beforehand... (insert sarcasm) And her peeps, fearing this really might be a reunion, had this to say:
"Her team is worried Bryan could harm Mariah's well-being should they get back together. They've gone all out to stop it from happening."
Either accept that he's poorer than you, but you're addicted to his Oscar Mayer, so it's on again... or find a man that has your same resources!
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