"He was going through a lot and the time wasn't right."
The timing wasn't right? Going through a lot? Like him kicking his wife and toddler out of their home for your ass? You were okay posting Insta pics of the two of you holding hands way back in November and clapping-back at people for calling you out for your sus behavior. And then you got all righteous telling people that they didn't know the truth, and that love is love.
The truth is: There's no wiener you'd turn down. And, you live your life with so much drama that the Kardashians don't want anything to do with you. The Kardashians!!!! Who are all about staying in our faces!!!! What does that tell you? That you're beyond messy.
P.S. Poor Malik. He's lost his wife and now his ho. BWAAAA HAAAA HAAAAA!
Does she even know where Minneapolis is? She tweeted that she'd been talking to her mom and crying while watching the Derek Chauvin trial and said to her:
"Mom, I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I kept thinking, maybe if I'd been there, I could've helped."
Yup. Crazy. Is the air in Hollywood different than our air? Because all these celebrities sound completely crazy. What in the af would you have done? Assaulted a police officer? Shimmy down a naval ship gun in g-string Depends? Thanks, oh mighty half-white privileged out-of-touch celebrity for swooping down and saving all of us minorities!
Is there any way we can get you to Sonny Bono yourself outta here?