The entity has asked the Los Angeles Sheriff's Office to help seize their assets and property.
Yup. That's how it works. You buy stuff, then need to pay for it. Sorry your mommy isn't giving you any of the fortune your pops Aaron left behind. Maybe get a legit J-O-B, or downsize before AMEX downsizes you.
First of all, what the eff makes a Benz couch so damned special? And second of all, who da fuque still uses Craigslist!?!?! Third, pretentious douche never goes out of fashion, no?
He took to Instagram to lament his predicament:
(All I want for my birthday is)... for someone, anyone, to buy these f&cking couches from (me)".
At least they're discounted to $2,000. The stains are free...
"The loyal, creative and hard-working people of my fine dining restaurants are in dire need. The onset of this pandemic has literally crushed their ability to earn a living virtually overnight. Please find it in your hearts to give what you can... My heart is breaking for them. Please lend us a hand."
People have been calling Bobby out, because he's amassed a fortune of at least $60 million. That's a sizable amount of money, isn't it?
What the eff, Booby? Maybe you need to take a page out of Conan O'Brien's playbook. Back-in-the-day when he was in a dispute with NBC over The Tonight Show and things got ugly, he paid his fired staff-- out of his own pocket. Boom.
Perhaps you need a meat tenderizer to the head... Or do you need a GoFundMe to purchase one?