"... a secondary type of road, usually found in rural areas.. the roads are often constructed of gravel, and are one or two-laned roads off larger roads such as parkways."
Thanks? For the compliment?
According to the Hunt-ster, it's all good:
"Body like a back road, drivin' with my eyes closed/I know every curve like the back of my hand/Doin' 15 in a 30, I ain't in no hurry/I'mma take it slow just as fast as I can..."
Okay. That's better? I get the lovin' a lady's curves and all. And that's good. But... But, but.... When I think of a back road, I think of something that's:
has no style
is neglected and overgrown with a car on blocks sitting on the lawn...
My body is already like a back road. I want it to be smooth like a highway, but not as heavily traveled-- if you know what I mean. ;) Thanks for the love though, Sam... I think.
Homer www.giphy.com